Michigan, you rock my world

D|o|G, 2007 | Moderniteten, der har gjort det svært (for ikke at sige umuligt) for mennesket at holde fast i sine rødder, sin kultur og sin identitet, sætter rammerne for dette liflige digt, som igen demonstrerer den sande kunsts uvurderlige rolle i kultur- og åndskampen; men samtidig er (sen-/post-)moderniteten mål for den knivskarpe perceptions-tour de force, som den fremstormende kunstner sætter ind i digtet, der uden overdrivelse kan anses for en fornem kandidat til titlen som foreløbigt æstetisk højdepunkt i den europæiske såvel som den samlede digtekunst.

Michigan, you rock my world

Behold the drunken glove. I work at a reception full of drug dealers and Miss Universe contestants, while a sweaty overweight Asian businessman comb my hair. I miss these moments of war and peace in a naughty elevator, where I lie naked sleeping and fixing your laptop. 12 foreign butchers rub and molest my children, while I laugh and invite them for dinner the following week. I will be performing this Saturday in Chicago, Illinois, and tickets are only 200 dollars each or free, depending on the mood, weather and your profession. Jailhouse rock and testicle kung fu are the two most underrated things on TV and radio these days and since you ask, I will marry you, only because I once saw, and rated you Awesome, on Youtube, in jail or at a Hungarian library.

Keep up fighting crime and soft skin.