Hallelujah baby on them rocks of fire

Da Poet, 2004 | På et tidspunkt, hvor verden troede, at Da Poet havde nået toppen, præsterer digteren med dette essentielt fantastiske digt at sætte nye standarder for kunstnerisk og litterær skaberkraft. Den sublime kombination af hverdagens trivialiteter (udtrykt gennem en helt unik magisk/selektiv sand realisme) og de store kulturhistoriske og ideologiske træk fra den europæiske fortid, nutid og fremtid giver læseren et helt enestående indblik i en begavet, gennemtænkt sammenstykning af de sande værdier i det postmoderne samfund; et skrig om frelse, nærvær og mening med tilværelsen kombineres heftigt og rammende med melankolien fremkaldt af de traditionelle samværs- og festformers stadige tilstedeværelse som sand glædeskilde.

Hallelujah baby on them rocks of fire

Hallelujah baby on them rocks of fire.
You are sitting there naked
and frustrated.
You never sing anymore –
neither do I –
for in them stones
you only find true neglect.

To be naked in the dark
and to be free of drugs and dirty stuff
may be a product of the modern success –
the success you only seek in the work.
God thinks about you,
so do I,
but your mom doesn’t, you motherfucker!

Dance, dance and sing
around in the dark.
Happiness will be found
whenever singing and dancing!

What a life to waste whenever supporting them fascists!
They will fight for happiness,
true happiness,
this to be found in the dark rooms of red light district
for here the roots are hungry and glimmering.
With regard to them fascists:
Fuck you scummers! And save some do.

I like my way of living life;
I go to the theatre or Legoland
– I myself decide what to do.
But in the land of darkness where fascists rule the world
you cannot go to Legoland whenever located in Denmark,
so shut the fuck you little cartoon-boy.

Dance, dance and sing
around in the dark.
Happiness will be found
whenever singing and dancing!