Hot Indian storeowners climb my balls

D|o|G, 2007 | Multikulturalitet, globalisering og mediefordærv går op i en højere enhed i denne lette, svævende komposition, der sætter nye mål og standarder for den samlede digterstand. Nattelivet, drukkenskaben og mødet imellem to mennesker flettes med temaer som udlængsel, udsyn og arveret, og derved sættes nye rammer om det moderne menneskes ensomhed i jagten på en mening med tilværelsen.

Hot Indian storeowners climb my balls

Hot Indian storeowners climb my balls in search of true happiness and money.

In a night of prostitution and second-hand redneck Internet cafés, I am sailing on vulnerable infants and juicy/humble/angry executives of the TV show Deadline. How do you do, do you have a nice job and how is your wife… Oh I am sorry, I did not realise that you are a bisexual bus. I wander through the streets of your saucy, concrete butt, but I still can’t find my remote. Every time I look at you and study your behaviour, you seem to mind it and that is why I am in prison and you at the disco club trying to get rid of your aunt’s will. 32 naked French doctors knock at my door and yell that I am a weak, strong Caribbean homosexual executioner, which is true and very erotic. Hope to see you soon; and leave the lights on, in case I get drunk/blind and lose 56 pounds from a night out in Middelfart.

Keep your head high and your children at bay.